Roles and Responsibilities of the Country Coordinating Mechanism

Roles and Responsibilities of the Country Coordinating Mechanism

  1. Mobilize multi-sectoral stakeholders, through a transparent and documented country dialogue process for new funding by overseeing and supporting the required harmonization of funding, national strategic plans, gap analysis and preparation of Concept Notes;
  2. Respond to inquiries from the Global Fund concerning these proposals;
  3. For each proposal, nominate one or more Principal Recipients (“PRs”) who will be responsible for implementing the grant, should the proposal be approved;

  4. Consider and approve selection process and nomination of the Sub-Recipients (“SRs”), who will be involved in the implementation of the project, which have been proposed by one or more PRs;
  5. Oversee the implementation of activities financed by Global Fund Grants, ensuring that the performance of PRs and SRs is monitored and evaluated as set out in the section entitled, “Oversight by the CCM”;
  6. Consider and, where appropriate, approve major changes in grant implementation plans that have been proposed by one or more PRs;
  7. When necessary, submit requests to the Global Fund for reprogramming of approved grants;
  8. Submit to the Global Fund requests for continued funding for each approved grant as required;
  9. Review progress reports that have been prepared by PRs for submission to the Global Fund;
  10. Promote and protect strong engagement of the civil societies including key affected population, people living with diseases and communities in the mandate of the CCM;
  11. Modify and implement this Governance Manual as required;
  12. Fulfill other responsibilities as outlined in this Governance Manual and associated policies.
  13. Ensure transparency in all process of information sharing and make information accessible to general public.