CCM members

Constituency Representation: Membership of the CCM shall be broadly representative of a variety of stakeholders, each with an active constituency concerned to fight against HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, or malaria. Each constituency brings a unique and important perspective to the work of the CCM, thus increasing the probability of achieving measurable impact against the diseases. The CCM will ensure representation of a gender perspective in CCM membership.

  1. Government representatives. The role of government organizations is linked to their capacity of being main stakeholders for the national and regional strategies and programs for AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. The CCM through government representation should build on national efforts for the specific diseases and be linked to a broader national coordination effort including gender equity, social protection and poverty reduction strategies.  Therefore, government representatives represent the views of and report back to senior leadership of the government.
  2. Civil Society representatives. The role of Civil Society representatives from Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), academic institutions, people living with diseases, community organizations, key affected populations and faith based organizations is to contribute to and enhance the control and eradication of AIDS, TB and Malaria. Their own constituencies shall elect the representatives. Individual CCM Members shall hold regular meetings with their constituents to ensure that representative views and concerns are expressed in the CCM forum.
  3. Multilateral and bilateral partners representatives. Multilateral and bilateral partners serve many roles including providing policy and normative guidance, assisting with gap analyses towards a shared commitment to national disease responses, and providing expertise, such as in the field of gender. Multilateral and bilateral partners frequently contribute to proposal development and advocacy, strengthening monitoring and evaluation, oversight, and coordinating assistance towards harmonization and alignment.
  4. Private Sector representatives. Private sector representatives bring important perspectives, skills, and expertise to assist the CCM in its mobilization and oversight of grant resources. Representatives may include large for-profit companies with a commitment to fighting one or more of the diseases, organizations representing small and medium-sized enterprises and the informal sector, business associations to fight HIV-AIDS, TB, and malaria, representatives from exposed industries, private hospitals and for-profit clinics, and charitable foundation established by corporations.

Constituency representatives shall not represent themselves or any specific organization, but rather the views and interests of the entire constituency.