CCM Executive Committee (EC)

Terms of Reference of CCM Executive Committee

  1. Purpose
    The CCM Executive Committee is responsible for directing the activity of CCM Secretariat, for supporting and coordinating ad-hoc Working Groups of the CCM, and attending to routine or urgent communications for which calling CCM meetings is not warranted or not feasible. Areas of responsibility of the Executive Committee will be decided or assigned by the CCM, but in general, the decision-making authority that may be delegated by the CCM to the Executive Committee will be limited to routine administrative matters.
  2. Membership
    The CCM Executive Committee shall comprise the CCM Chair, the 3 CCM Vice-Chairs, the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Oversight Committee and two senior experts Membership cannot be delegated and alternates cannot be members of the CCM Executive Committee
  3. Meeting Frequency
    The CCM Executive Committee shall meet at such frequency as the Committee determines to fulfill its functions.
  4. Roles and Responsibilities of Executive Committee
      1. To communicate on behalf of the CCM with the Global Fund, the Government of Thailand, multilateral and bi-lateral development partners, civil society groups, Principal Recipients and other grant implementing agencies.
      2. To make general administrative decisions to support CCM functioning. The Committee shall present important decisions to the next CCM Meeting and, where feasible, communicate details to CCM members as soon as possible after the decision is made.
      3. To provide direction to the CCM Secretariat in all its functions, to monitor performance of the Secretariat, and to make recommendations to the CCM on opportunities to improve CCM Secretariat functions where necessary.
      4. To provide support to working parties and ad hoc committees and groups of the CCM.
      5. To facilitate and assist CCM functioning by “oversight” preparation of submissions for consideration by the full CCM.
      6. To receive and/or investigate allegations of conflict of interest in CCM activities. The Executive Committee shall advise the CCM of all such matters referred to it, the actions taken by the Committee to investigate such matters, as well as any recommendations for action on the part of the CCM.
      7. To plan and oversight activities to strengthen the capacity of CCM members, including orientation of new members.
      8. To address any other matters referred to it by the CCM, reporting back to the CCM on any decisions made.
      9. To propose the CCM Executive Secretary.